ubuntu 재부팅 후, 로그인 하지 않은 상태에서, 원격으로 붙어서 startvm 시 아래와 같이 에러

$ VBoxManage startvm kxp

Waiting for the VM to power on...

VBoxManage: error: The virtual machine 'kxp' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 0

VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), component Machine, interface IMachine, callee

아래와 같이 "-type headless"를 붙여서 headless로 startvm시 해결됨

$ VBoxManage startvm kxp -type headless

Waiting for the VM to power on...

VM has been successfully started.

참고 : http://www.webspheretools.com/sites/webspheretools.nsf/docs/Virtual%20machine%20has%20terminated%20unexpectedly%20during%20startup

Posted by 광장군

VM 목록

kilim@dyst:~$ VBoxManage list vms

"kxp" {91307465-0813-424f-8fd5-03ac8a2036ec}

"jxp" {d739a58e-5d94-43da-a67b-924d5e8eefda}


실행중인 VM 목록

kilim@dyst:~$ VBoxManage list runningvms

"kxp" {91307465-0813-424f-8fd5-03ac8a2036ec}


VM startup

kilim@dyst:~$ VBoxManage startvm jxp

Waiting for the VM to power on...

VM has been successfully started.


VM 일시정지 - 사용만 못함, 상태저장과 다름

kilim@dyst:~$ VBoxManage controlvm jxp pause


VM 일시정지 해제

kilim@dyst:~$ VBoxManage controlvm jxp resume


VM 사용중지 및 상태저장 

kilim@dyst:~$ VBoxManage controlvm jxp savestate



VM 다시 시작

kilim@dyst:~$ VBoxManage startvm jxp

Waiting for the VM to power on...

VM has been successfully started.


Posted by 광장군

awk IP주소 가져오기

Linux 2012. 2. 7. 16:47

ifconfig `netstat -nr | awk '{ if($1 == "") {print $8}}'` | awk -F: '/inet addr/ {print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'

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Posted by 광장군